Wednesday, November 23, 2011


This has to stop. I see them all over and it frightens me. It used to be unnerving, but this disease's growth has inspired outright fear. I'm referring to the wanderers, people who just...wander around aimlessly. You see this all day, but especially in the afternoon. I stress, these people are not exercising. I know power walking when I see it; I do it myself and I'm good at it. This is not power walking.
No, this is people leaving their house and simply picking a direction and heading off with no apparent purpose. Sometimes they take their children and no one screams abuse. These are also not tourists, who, as annoying as they are, still have a purpose and a plan, ie. walk slow, look at everything and point. Sometimes the wanderers will take their car, park it a few miles away, get out in some sort of haze and wander off for hours. They don't interact directly, but usually have their cell out texting presumably to friends wandering in some other area. If they happen to meet, they may sit a moment and chat. But invariably off they go in separate directions with no plan or goal or ambitions.
I place the entire blame for our country's economic decline on these traitors. How much productive work is lost as these rationalizing sabotage professionals clog up parks and streets? Our gross economic output would triple. How many diseases would be cured if they turned their focus to something worthwhile? I don't want to hear about living in the moment, smelling the roses, making the most of each day. Do you think if horticulturists spent all their time daydreaming and walking in circles, they would BE any roses?
Me? I'm supposed to wander around. I'm a writer and noticing everything is my job. So I'm not actually wandering. I'm extracting potential ideas from the mundane. And I know exactly where I'm going and where I've been. I'm a man with a plan and that plan is to follow others until I sense a trend. Then I compose an essay like this and help change society. I sense your mind wandering. 

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