Friday, November 18, 2011

Smoke Alarm

The smoke alarm in the hall is beeping, which means the battery is dead. Technically, this is something the super should take care of, but I am a man who likes to grasp responsibility by the horns. I got out my step ladder, climbed up and quickly disarmed the thing by removing the battery. Alas, I had no 9 volt to replace it . I pride myself on having backup everything, especially batteries, and this was inexcusable.
I went to Lowe's for batteries because I have a Lowe's card and hadn't used it in a while. It should have been a simple transaction. But I was weak, so weak. I began walking the aisles, never a good thing. Sure enough, I impulsively grabbed a book shelf made of light, easily constructed material. This was wrong on so many levels. I had been determined to save space by giving books away and I knew as soon as I entered my garage, the accumulated tomes would see the four tier shelf and assume they were granted a stay of deportation.
I hate being placed in these God like situations. As an intellectual, it violates my very core beliefs to use that bookcase for anything other than books. I know some deluded collectors place artifacts from their numerous trips abroad on those shelves and that is something karma will nail them for.
I replaced the battery and tested the alarm. Thumbs up. If I had any guts I'd return the bookcase and pack up my books asap. But in my experience, gutty people don't have blogs about replacing batteries.

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