Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sausage and Peppers

How one perceives sausage and peppers depends on one's self image and station in life.
For manly men, this is a diet staple. Sensitive types may take a sniff before striding away, shaking their heads. Big city dwellers who work late seek out sidewalk carts featuring this menu as though it were a magic elixir to get through the night.
Fashion designers scoff at the whole idea of this combination. For cannibals this is a wet dream. Upscale women proudly display their slumming instincts at blue collar restaurants, loudly slurping the peppers, chewing with their mouths open, flaunting common courtesy because they can. The French and Italians see S&P as another excuse to consume bread.
Introverts are intimidated by the sizzling. Extroverts are too busy yakking to consume much. Manic depressives see insects in the pan. Kids are overwhelmed with bloating afterwards. Spiritual leaders are suspicious. Artists love the collusion of colors. Lonely people are jealous of the camaraderie between the sausage and peppers. Gov. Christie wants to declare this food combo an endangered species or historical landmark, anything to protect it.
Calorie counters run away screaming.

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