Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Out All Day

Sometimes I am out all day. I leave early and run errands. Perhaps I meet with friends or power walk or sit somewhere sipping coffee or reading the paper.
I'll eat out at someplace cheap. The hours will pass. There are free afternoon movies at libraries. I don't bring a radio so I have no idea what's happening in the world. I take pictures of inanimate objects.
When I finally return home, darkness has come. I quickly go through the mail, empty my pockets, remove my hat, pee, shut the blinds, check for phone messages, make a snack, turn on a game. It feels good being there, having this place to myself, no pet to greet me, no other human waiting. I am in the moment, yet able to scan through my day and evaluate whether I made the most of my time. I'll scroll through my e-mail, check Facebook, return any messages, think of something pithy to post. Then I will take out my oils and paint.
We create our own world and if mine seems constricted, so be it. Excitement? When you're my age, making it to the john in time serves up all the adventure I need.
I know there will come a point where I myself will be an inanimate object and some old coot will mosey over and take a picture of me.

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