Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Boat

You can't escape from a boat very easily. Rocco invited me onto his and I was flattered. I had been involved in an investment involving a race horse with guys who might be considered shady. But Rocco wasn't one of them. I didn't like what the plan was and removed myself from the situation.
These guys wanted the jockey to throw a race, but he had too much integrity. They found him in a dumpster with several important body parts missing.
The weather was gorgeous. Nothing like fresh sea air. Gulls fired off their sharp messages. I was ready to take a nap after lunch.
Suddenly two guys stormed out of the cabin pointing guns at me. Rocco moved aside. I recognized the guys from the race fixing scheme. Tony and Paulie Walnuts. I could jump overboard and drown trying to swim back. Or I could just say a prayer.
Guys, I said, I removed myself from the situation. Remember?
Loose ends, is all Tony said. Paulie grunted.
I sighed. One request, I said. Not in the face

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