Saturday, December 6, 2014

Cold, Hard Truth

Babies are not cute. Blotchy skin, no coordination,drooling spittle, beady eyes, sweaty hair, curled up fingers and toes, bad smell, no muscles, no teeth, no chin, flopping around, gurgling nonsense, wailing for no reason, they gum your finger without provocation.
Turtles are not cute. You can't pet them, they don't lick you, don't hunt rodents,  can't trust them, lack elegance, no passion in their lovemaking, move as if the weight of the world was on their shell, which you can use to advertize energy drinks.
Plankton are not cute. They are bland and all look alike, lazily swaying with the current. Killer jelly fish have a purpose. Explain the goals of plankton. The plant is like a long winded, dull professor lecturing on the evolution of the turtle.

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