Monday, December 22, 2014

The Mystery of Mulch

Scientists have examined mulch for decades without discovering its essence. Is it part of the plant family? Is it insect waste? Was it brought here by an alien species eons ago? What is its purpose and can it help mankind?
In its pure form mulch is smoother than dirt, prettier than mud, looser than clay.
Wordsworth once wrote, :Mulch o mulch, upon my land you feast,your pungent odor fills my breast. Keep your plankton. Keep your seaweed. I embrace you as though you were my child. I know in my heart other life forms will awaken and spring from you. I just pray they don't bite."
Observers have noted the preponderance of mushrooms growing around mulch.There is something metaphysical in that juxtaposition. Perhaps mulch's mysteries will be revealed when an international team of scientists converge in Portugal at The Mulch Resource Center. The World Mulch Organization is being pressured to prove its relevance in an increasingly man made fertilizer society.

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