Thursday, April 4, 2013

Guilty Naps

There are planned naps and there are naps that just come upon you and there's nothing you can do about it. This often happens after a big meal when you plop down in your favorite chair, intending to finally finish Tristan Shandy and by the third paragraph you're out cold.
I succumbed to a guilt nap after supper, got nothing done for two hours and now I'm going to have to scramble to catch up.
Three things to do after an unplanned nap. Have a cookie. It won't ease your guilt, but it'll make you feel good. Post a blog. You'll feel productive, though it's short and inconsequential. You can tell friends you did some serious writing. Go out and exercise walk. Have another cookie first.
We can only do so much in one day. Time is our most important possession. Worry about only what you can control. If you've lost two hours, consider it God's gift of rest. Listen to your body. Your body will inform you if you are being lazy. Think of more cliches.
You know, that nap refreshed me. I'm going to Dunkin for some coffee and serious productive thinking. And if I'm awake at 3am because of this sneak attack nap, I have plenty of interesting stuff to occupy my mind. Besides, I need to catch up on my scratching.

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