Sunday, April 21, 2013

Whither Hummus?

What happened? Only a few months ago I discovered hummus and couldn't stop writing about it, here and elsewhere. People got sick of me talking about this wonderful spread, mainly because I was about 600 years late.
Somehow, I lost track of my container in my own fridge. I think jealous grapes blocked it off. So I just grabbed the butter and began using that on my crackers. Months passed without missing it. One day I was walking through the market and saw the hummus section containing all brands and flavors. I smacked myself in the head. What was wrong with me?
I ran home and started emptying my fridge and sure enough, there it was pinned against the back wall--my hummus.
But what had happened in the interim? Did it become poisonous? Were tiny creatures living within the smooth texture? Should I contact EPA or a Swat team? How toxic can it be?
I concluded my best course of action was to carefully remove it, place it in a plastic bag and bring it to my writers group.Let them consume it and see what happens. That may sound cruel and heartless, but you haven't met these people.

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