Saturday, January 26, 2013

Before It Falls Apart

My philosophy is to leave things before they fall apart. That includes conversations, relationships, jobs, homes, and beliefs. Abandonment is underrated as a strategy.
If your car is burning, you take off. If a painting is not coming together, give up before it resembles colorful coffee grounds. Get rid of sponges before they call to mind rotting mice.
Leave the beach before the rush, leave the subway before the crush, leave the church before the hush, leave the snow before the mush, leave the toilet before the flush, wipe the furniture before the dust,, flee the storm before the gust, change the locks before the rust.
Run from salami if you must, and say bye bye to liver before the wurst.
Abandon this essay before it turns to slush. Pray for a miracle or some such.
Too much?

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