Monday, January 14, 2013

Gone But Not Forgotten

One of the harder things to accept in life is the loss of people that made you smile and feel good. As a writer I've been fortunate to meet many who fall into that category. Some were fellow scribes, but others fall into the performer slot. Because I include theater pieces as part of my work, I've been lucky to work with superb talents. It is hard to describe the feeling of watching actors on stage giving life to your words.
Two and a half years ago at a local theater, I sat riveted as two actresses performed a twenty-five minute piece I wrote. The director was also young and gifted. Of all the pieces of mine I've seen performed, including dozens of monologues, this skit filled me with tension the most. I always make it clear that theater is collaborative and the choices made by the actresses were perfect.
I will miss Emily Rees, who moved to California, and Laura Williams, who moved on with her life, but I'll never forget that moment when all of the reasons one writes become crystal clear. I wish them both success in their pursuits.

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