Saturday, January 12, 2013

Fish Out of Water

One of the few times I don't feel like a fish out of water is with my writer friends. It just seems like the conversation flows easily. My shoulders don't tighten up and I speak in complete sentences. I can be watching two writers deep in conversation and not feel intrusive if I decide to stand nearby and listen.
In other social situations I freeze up, sitting in the corner gazing around the room like an astronaut on alien terrain, always the awkward outsider.
I have come to the conclusion that I must learn to dance to fit in. Any dance. Karaoke is another strategy I should employ. Telling funny anecdotes, jokes and stories will add to my charm. I will mix in accents and dialects, monitor my pacing. Yes, I will have them on the floor, curled up and shaking with laughter.
Before all this, however, I must master getting up and walking across the floor without spilling anything or tripping or bumping into anyone. I tend to wind up doing a lot of that.
I guess it would really help me connect with others if I didn't have these damn gills. But you work with what you've got.

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