Sunday, January 6, 2013

Liver Spots

Call me vain, but I don't want people seeing my liver spots. I stare at the backs of my hands in dismay. Wrinkles connote character. Liver spots signify trembling hands and support socks.
How could the liver have anything to do with these spots and why only located in that one area. Unless I have others in places I don't usually check. Scary thought.
Do Africans get them? Indians? If so, how would we know? Perhaps I shouldn't complain. They don't itch or ache or become scaly. I know people who have them on their face. Mine aren't too pronounced. What if I dotted them with flesh colored oil paint to disguise them? Would the paint seep into my lower levels of skin and poison me?
I'm asking a lot of questions. I do that when I get nervous. I know I can't stop the aging process. I just can't help comparing my hands with the smooth, unblemished skin of young people. I do think my veins are way more impressive. And my fingernails are strong and clean. I can pick at things you don't want to know about.
Or do you?

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