Tuesday, January 10, 2012


As soon as I finish this granola bar I'm going to the gym. Can't have enough fiber before a workout. Well, maybe I'll write a blog first. And check my email. Don't want to upset anyone trying to get hold of me. I am now out the door, headed for the gym. Just a quick check in the fridge. Do I need oranges? Wait, a news bulletin on the New Hampshire primary. I am an involved citizen.
Was that the phone? Damn. Another robo call. Might as well listen to it. Looks like Mitt is in charge in NH. Okay, right to the gym. My muscles are screaming to be worked. I can smell that locker room. Have to pee. Can't drive when I'm squirming around. What's that thing on my chin? Should I squeeze it?
Okay, I am ready for a workout to end all workouts. Maybe I should weigh myself first. Where is that scale? What I really need to do right now is collect my thoughts. A disciplined mind leads to a firm body. I read that somewhere. Did I lock all the windows? Shut the stove? Is the toilet running? Have to leave a well maintained condo before I carve out some reps.
Hmmm. it's 7:38pm. The gym closes at nine. If I stop for coffee, which is a must energy booster, add in time to find a parking space, I'm probably only going to have 20 minutes to workout. You know what? I'm not comfortable with that number. Best to wait a day and hit the weights tomorrow. They'll still be there. Let's see what's happening on Access Hollywood. Damn Jessica Biel's engaged to the guy with the big honker. Need a beer.

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