Thursday, January 26, 2012

Three cents

So far, after five months of blogging, I've made exactly three cents profit from my Adsense application. If 1400 people have viewed my blog, how can that be? Why aren't those readers clicking on the ads below my blog, which is I guess how money is made? Maybe they're too depressed after reading my essays to deal with people trying to sell them something.
Or perhaps the ads themselves are off putting. I haven't been checking. I think capitalism is a noble concept which should be available to everyone. Unfortunately it seems only a handful of citizens actually have access to it. People like Miley Cyrus and Daniel Radcliff. The rest of us flock to Filenes lusting for bargains. Except Filenes
Basement filed for bankruptcy and will soon become a real basement. The sheer number of chain stores gone under is staggering. When Circuit City was replaced by Sixth Avenue Electronics I had hopes that would be my new tech store. Then SAE went under before I could even visit. Every six minutes another Barnes & Noble disappears. Right next to it, a FYE record store bottomed out. Soon, we will have nothing but gelato outlets. I passed an Arthur Murray dance studio and only one couple traversed their spacious floor. How can we call ourselves a capitalist country when dance instructors can't get work?
I know I should be mature about this, but that three cents profit for an insightful, potent blog like this is rather insulting.

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