Sunday, January 8, 2012

Theater Mosh Pit

Attending a local theater group party is always fascinating for a writer. You pick up so many characters and much dialogue that can be used in your work.
First are the gasbags who seldom take a breath, going on and on about their past, current and future projects. You are there solely to bask in their brilliance. Then you have the gossipers, who have something harsh to say about just about everyone else there. Actually some of their gossip is quite juicy and you find yourself competing with them, in the process betraying confidences. Your guilt is assuaged by the strong possibility no one will remember anything said at these things, alcohol being what it is.
Another interesting group are the MIA bunch, those who show up for nothing except the parties, who leave all the actual work and volunteering to others, but because they paid their dues feel entitled to be there and engorge. My favorites are the deal makers, people who pigeon hole you and propose projects together. They have an incredible concept, all they need is someone to do the 200 hours of actual writing.
Last, over in the corner, sitting by themselves, listening and watching, are the writers. Sometimes it seems like they're dozing, but don't be fooled. Everything that's happening around them gets sucked into their Mind Baggie, taken home and put in a safe place for future reference. And whispering your conversation won't help--we hear everything.

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