Monday, November 19, 2012


Sometimes I consider returning to work part time to supplement my pension. Then something happens to snap me back to reality.
I was in a supermarket yesterday reading the paper, sipping coffee along with others. Suddenly, to my right, I heard tense talk. The manager was reaming out a worker loudly enough so that all could hear. Evidently, the stock clerk had gotten coffee while he was supposed to be working. The boss leaned in and charged him with getting coffee 'on my time' instead of on his break. 'Yes or no' he kept repeating like a vicious prosecutor. The guy hesitated, stumbled around, embarrassed, trying to avoid escalating this conflict. "This is the way you want to go with this?" he repeated. Eventually the boss told him to punch out and go home. I'm guessing he's going to be written up and the union will get involved.
I am very familiar with this form of public humiliation, having worked 30 years for the Post Office. Supervisors relished embarrassing workers on the floor over minor in fractions. The sensible thing would be to take the employee in the office and discuss things privately, adult to adult. The clerk, like everyone, knew he was lucky to have a job in this economy. Here he was, working on a Sunday at a dead end job for low pay and because he grabbed a cup of coffee he gets sent home. Wonderful.
No, I have no desire to work for someone like that. Ironically, the boss resembled Dr. Phil, a Dr. Phil with no understanding of human dignity.

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