Friday, November 16, 2012

Downward Slide

Today a middle aged woman in the library left her post at the coffee bar (the libraries I frequent have coffee bars), walked over and helped me put on my coat. I was having trouble getting one arm in the sleeve. I have shoulder pain on both sides and have to be very careful extending my arms. I thanked her and she smiled and returned to her spot, feeling good about herself.
Outside I started to panic. Suppose she wasn't there and my arm stayed stuck in a bent position halfway inside the sleeve. Who's to say if anyone else would have stepped forward and assisted me? I might have staggered outside, all bent sideways, moving awkwardly, unable to remove my cars keys, open the door or start the car. How would I steer? The police station is adjacent to the library, but how would I reach up and press the buzzer? Would cops be sympathetic?
I was this close to being in a helpless situation. Is this my future? If I try to scratch my back will my shoulder freeze, leaving me with one arm trapped behind me? What if I have to rub something? Will there be a time when I can't don socks or shoes? I have no hair to comb, thankfully. Still, a wedgie demands quick action and if I have two frozen shoulders, who would yank my underwear from my butt crack? If you were truly a friend you'd have your hand up.
I hate getting old.

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