Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Medicare Surprises

I am slowly learning about Medicare, which I will switch to next spring. If you attend a Medicare lecture you will see many troubled, confused faces. Just keeping track of what Medicare does and doesn't cover is challenging. It doesn't cover routine foot care. 90% of what my podiatrist does is routine. Because I'm diabetic, does that mean nothing he does is routine and I'm covered?
Medicare does not cover medical expenses caused by an auto accident. I called my agent at Cigna and she assured me if I kept that as my secondary insurance they would cover anything Medicare didn't. But she didn't sound sure. Not that I'm planning to get into an accident.
I'm on a lot of prescription drugs, which will be covered until I reach the donut hole, in which case I will have to pay 100% until I move out of said hole and into open air again. Obama is supposed to reduce that hole, but will Obamacare wind up costing me more?
How much of my next colonoscopy will Medicare cover? Suppose the doctor gets halfway in and a buzzer goes off signifying my coverage has just ended? Does he pull out and shut everything down?
Does Medicare cover panic attacks because I feel one coming on.

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