Monday, November 12, 2012

Lobsters Can't Plan Ahead

One minute you're crawling along minding your own business
The next thing you know you're soaking in boiling water, legs cut off and no fingers to dial 911.
I came across a lobster spread sheet yesterday lying in the street and it was sad. The entire month of December was filled with activities. I never knew there was a lobster karaoke night. This was a vibrant crustacean named Warren with unlimited potential. To end up as a main course for affluent diners at an upscale establishment is a sin against nature.
Maybe they remove frog's legs, but at least they can still get around with prosthesis. And it's done so fast I doubt they feel anything. But to be a proud creature with threatening pincers reduced to impotency is crushing to say the least. Warren's circle, assuming lobsters have circles, must have been equally upset.
I want say chin up to every lobster out there, but am not sure lobsters have chins.

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