Saturday, December 8, 2012

Pills and Juicers

Someone is switching my pills around, putting the wrong pills in the wrong bottles. I could die or be paralyzed.
I think it's Natalie, sneaking around in my kitchen. She lives next door and loaned me her juicer. I wanted to experiment with healthy foods. I ended up with green glob that tastes worse than it smells. I tried pouring it down the drain, but almost puked as it backed up my sink. Then I remembered I owed Lois $10, so I offered her the goop instead, and to my shock she accepted.
Except every time I drive her somewhere she insists on sipping this sewer water and licking her lips. I almost drive off the road, feeling my breakfast come up.
Feverish cleaning has still left the juicer smelling rancid. Thus, my neighbor's vengeance expressed by switching my pills. Meanwhile, Lois is pestering me to reveal the ingredients so she can mix her own batch.I think all that crystal meth she took in college destroyed her taste buds.

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