Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Stop Pacing

People on cell phones, stop pacing in front of me. Stop making stupid circles, stop suddenly changing direction, cutting me off, stop pacing in front of businesses I wish to enter.
Stand in one spot, have your little meaningless conversation, and leave the area.
People in waiting rooms, stop pacing. I don't care how serious the situation is, whether your grandfather's ear came off or a gall bladder ruptured. You're only going to make everyone else more nervous than they are. Sit down and read a copy of Vogue with Rhianna on the cover. She looks like a cell phone pacer. So does Taylor Swift. I bet Leonard Cohen never did the pacing dance.
If you absolutely need to pace, do it with consistent rhythm. Don't get all herky jerky and change speeds. Establish a pattern and stick to it. But don't be surprised if, after awhile, I begin following you, step for step. I'm pretty coordinated in confined spaces.
And do not dare get up and pace in an audition. I will never hire you, assuming I'm ever in that position. And don't fake a gall bladder attack to gain my sympathy.

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