Friday, August 28, 2015

Book Reviews

I love the Book Review section in the Sunday Times. So many new books being published. Except I only have time to read the first few paragraphs. I look at the author photo. Some are contemplative, some joyful and relaxed, some kind of scary. I wish I had a more impressive author profile shot. I look like an old mobster dodging jail by pretending I have a heart condition.
I get jealous when I see a young person's picture. They have a whole life of publishing ahead of them. My best years are behind me. I don't think an MFA would have helped. I'm not a New Yorker writer.
Whenever I see a review of a short story collection, my genre, I am encouraged. Agents don't want that genre, but somebody must be representing these writers. And editors and publishers somewhere must be interested.
I used to review books for an online site. Now I just rate them. I was told my reviews were too long. I guess I took too many notes. I was also fearful if I gave a lukewarm review the author would hunt me down, or worse, compose a scathing Amazon review of my own books. Stranger things have happened in the literary world.

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