Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday Times

I love buying the Sunday NY Times. Anticipation builds to a fever pitch by Sunday morning. I will not buy the Saturday early edition because it lacks late sports results.
I love reading the International section which explains serious problems in other countries, some of which I actually care about.
I love the travel section describing places I can never visit, the style section reporting on parties I will never attend full of celebrities I will never meet wearing clothes I can never afford.
I enjoy the auto section featuring cars way out of my price range, the real estate section listing property larger than some Third World countries on the market for the gross national product equal of many Eastern European countries.
I love the week in Review featuring esoteric think pieces by successful authors who can just sit home and think.
I love the sports section covering sports no other paper will touch, like team handball.
I love the book review section and all those tomes on worthy, but obscure subjects and contemporary fiction by minimalist stylists and all those best seller lists and quirky opinion pieces and haiku attempts.
I love the magazine section with its in-depth profiles of people I should at least be acquainted with and solid investigative journalism on the shortage of fiber in prisons.
I love the Metropolitan section and all its off the wall stories about slightly off people with strange ambitions and stranger conflicts.
I love the business section delineating all the different ways hedge fund managers and banks are screwing us.
Mostly I love the Arts & Leisure section because it makes me feel like I have lots of leisure time and am appreciative of the fine arts. Plus, sometimes there's a photo of a hot actress.
Last, I love the Target ads with sales on Tide, Bounty, Puffs, Bounce, Downy, Pampers and Charmin.
Why leave the house at all on Sunday when the Times brings you the whole world?

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