Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Spoiler Alert

Don't read this is you don't want to know the information.

Lions 8, Christians 0.
Gore Vidal is dead.
King Lear has his hands full.
There is no actual mockingbird in To Kill a Mockingbird.
Most of your Facebook friends contain Malware and viruses.
No one is reading your blog.
Bungee jumping peaked in 1998.
Sir Paul forgets the words.
There are only six genuine poets left in NYC.
Peeing starts to hurt around age 50.
Portland isn't as cool as we're led to believe.
Opera singers take too long with our National Anthem.
He who laughs last is probably single.
Going green requires a spread sheet.
Monks are not easily impressed.
Boat owners never wear socks.
Craig stole some of his list from my list.
The latest Mars landing was photo shopped.

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