Thursday, December 29, 2011


I need a crew. I know this term is associated with hip hop artists, but I feel the concept should be expanded. As a writer I experience isolation. There are points where my mind is Hoda and Kathy Lee, babbling fragments of ideas without structure or logic. On the other end of the spectrum, I will stare at furniture, specifically dust on furniture, waiting for one stinking idea.
If I had a crew around me, interacting, rubbing my shoulders, offering encouragement or just yapping to each other, I'd have constant stimulation, which would lead to ear popping sentences, entire paragraphs, and maybe a short story. I'd probably have to change my wardrobe (early nineties slob), drink more, wear facial jewelry and many rings, but those are minor sacrifices.
If I went out to, say, Walmart, my crew would follow me in, surround me, comment on my purchases like copy paper and fuzzy slippers. Then we'd head to Wendy's, commandeer two tables, talk loudly and forget to throw away our trash. I'm not sure what else crews do. Once this expansion is accepted, other professions could adopt the crew concept. Museum curators, park rangers, short order cooks, pole dancers, computer tech guys, game wardens, the list is endless.
One possible problem is space if my crew wants to actually live with me. I'll do the cot thing for awhile, but not as a steady diet. Bad back. And I don't have enough enough socks to cover their needs.

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