Thursday, December 15, 2011

Paragraph Strike

I just got word there is a paragraph strike. Their union rep released a vague statement mentioning unhappiness about working conditions. This is all I need. A couple of years ago there was a wildcat comma strike and I was frantic. Commas are the underpinnings of my writing. I depend on them for pace and clarity. I floundered for weeks until it was settled. I agreed to use only ten commas per three hundred words so they could have more personal time. I can't imagine what commas do with their personal time, but I suppose they could say the same about me. Normally this is where I'd take a paragraph break, but right now that is not possible because of the circumstances described above. Frankly, I don't feel guilty about this state of affairs. I've never been one to abuse paragraph choices. All of us are familiar with those writers who throw together a couple of sentences, abandon that thought and start a new paragraph. This is slight of hand intellectualism, a sad attempt to convince the reader they have more ideas and insights than you do. God, I want to create a new graph right here so bad. But I don't cross picket lines, except that one time when asterisks went out. I think asterisks are ridiculous and superfluous, especially when you can use a star symbol. I just hope when this mess is settled I still remember how to indent.

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