Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Correct Behavior

As a man among women in my book discussion group I have learned the correct behavior expected of me over time. Here is my advice.
Let the woman finish her sentence no matter how off target her perspective is.
Never speak in a loud, threatening tone. Never gesticulate and put the women sitting next to you in danger.
If they fly off topic and begin discussing menstrual stuff or the new top bought in some boutique, let them continue until there is a pause. Let someone else suggest they return to the book.
Do not make eye contact for more than three seconds with any hot women. Act like you're befuddled by the book, even though you have a thorough understanding of the themes. It gives them an opportunity to nurture you to a deeper understanding. Women love caring for confused men.
Compliment the coffee, no matter how bland it it. Same with the cookies. Say something nice about a different woman each session. You'll have them anticipating a compliment. If you have strong forearms, flaunt them. Conversely, if you possess toothpick arms keep them covered. Bathe beforehand, use deodorant and moisturizer, brush your teeth, employ mouthwash. Wear clean clothes, do not pass wind. If one of the ladies passes wind, do not crack a joke. Clear your throat and move on. Do not argue with anyone over anything.
Do not doze off. If one of the women hits on you, you're on your own. If you and a woman are competing over the same parking space, let her have it. She'll take your side in case you're stupid enough to get into a dispute with the ladies. Never sit opposite a woman who can give the fish eye.

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