Sunday, April 22, 2012


Lucy down the block melted away.I can't say it was a surprise We've had unusually high temperatures. I told her to suspend her afternoon walks. Stubborn woman, Lucy.
They found a puddle of her in front of the Post Office. A pile of clothes, her purse and a soaked book of stamps was all. Sympathetic postal clerks collected her in a Tupperware container. The sun had already dried most of her up.
Folks dropped off flowers at the site. Not long afterward, Ollie's bulldog melted. I never liked that dog. But now Ollie's depressed and won't return calls. I don't much like him either, but he owes me money.
I wish I had an air conditioned garage because I believe my tires are melting. Yesterday I tried to have a conversation with Harv across the street, but our words melted somewhere in the middle of the steaming asphalt.
I'm considering gathering all my anxieties from my storage closet and leaving them outside so they will just melt away.