Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Friendship Overture

Someone recently told me they wanted me as a friend. I have nothing in common with this person. I've been polite and civil like I am to everyone, except crazy drivers. I just nodded and smiled uncomfortably. This person revealed they have been hurt before by so called friends, but I seemed very kind and a good candidate for friendship. I kept nodding, not sure how to respond. I do not want needy friends. I seek people who act like they don't want or need my friendship. Doesn't everyone?
I'm always suspicious people who proclaim friendship or act out intimacy with sudden hugging are those who will call me at all hours, expecting me to listen to their problems.
Look at what happened to poor Alec Baldwin. A couple of lunches years ago with an actress looking for advice and now she won't leave him alone.
I fear the same could happen to me. Some neophyte writer latches onto me, begging for career guidance. I give in and have lunch, only to impart my wisdom, nothing more. For years afterward I am haunted by this writer, stalked and punished for not caring enough about their career.
Anyway, I saw this person a week later looking over discount books at a library. I greeted said person and barely got a return greeting. As we both checked out the books I could hear this person chuckling. Not at me, at something from a book. I expected it would be shared with me. Instead, I was still ignored. Now I'm intrigued by this individual. Maybe I'll let this person be my friend. But if I get ignored again, I may just follow this person around until I get an explanation. How dare anyone play with my emotions.

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