Sunday, August 7, 2016

Bus Driver

When did it become a requirement to thank the bus driver while getting off? Are these people volunteers? Aren't they getting paid to get us from one point to another?
I never used to thank the driver and we were both fine with that. If we get a bumpy ride should the driver apologize? Have we become that wishy washy as a society? I'll bet out west and down south they don't thanks drivers.
What I really hate is when I get off at the first stop, which means I've been on the bus exactly the six minutes it takes to get through the Lincoln Tunnel. If I am the only one getting off and don't thank the driver I fear another passenger will follow me off and attempt to do bodily harm.
I don't thank it's in their contract, this thanks business. I only portion out my appreciation to those who deserve it. Like someone who gives me their seat.

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