Monday, August 1, 2016

Writing Groups

The main purpose of a writing group is to propel its participants forward, give them the confidence and courage to send their work out for publication. Rejection is part of the process of becoming a writer. If you fear it to the extent that you never finish anything, or put it aside when done, that lack of courage will doom you.
If someone is telling you they are working on a project and months pass, that is a red flag. That person is afraid to let go, afraid to see if the people in the business who make decisions will reject their work. If you keep telling yourself you are a writer without testing the waters, you are delusional A writing group filled with people like this becomes a failure.
In fact, many join these groups to be around people. They have limited writing skills, but just sitting around a table, sipping a latte, discussing aspects of writing does not equate to being a successful writer. The quality of the group suffers and real writers leave.

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