Friday, August 5, 2016


I fear paramedics. I know we need them, but what if they snap and go berserk? Forced CPR, enemas, mouth to mouth, intravenous. Checking blood pressure, open your mouth, tongue depressors, elevate the legs, stabilize the neck, administer liquids.
Check their eyes next time they're called. That wild look of dictators. The way they swarm over fallen strangers. Who really knows what's in those bags? What goes on once they strap you down and funnel you into the ambulance? Are any of them vetted? Even those dark blue uniforms scare you.
What if you just have a momentary blackout and find yourself pummeled with CPR and have your ribs broken? Do they have scalpels? How many carry emotional baggage? Divorce? Gambling problems? What is paramedic humor like? Do they peek at your genitals?
See what I mean? Scary stuff.

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