Saturday, August 27, 2016

Worm Hole

I was in a pet shop looking for a snarky parrot that would insult my guests. I got to the lizard section, felt dizzy and passed out. I woke up in the same spot, but it was a different store. This was a Poet Shop. Poets for sale. I hasd passed through a worm hole. I hate  when that happens.
Poets were encased in glass cubicles with names underneath. Beth--Charming and friendly. Sarah-contemplative. Clary-Emotional. Shafik--mysterious. Joe-Naked and challenging. I surmised Joe could be snarky and was so close to buying him when I fell unconscious again. I woke up back in the pet shop surrounded by noise and smells.
The proprietor said I was out of his sight and was clueless about a worm hole in his store. I plan on revisiting this place. Next time I'll bring more money.

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