Monday, February 27, 2012

In Defense Of

Leave Brian Seacrest alone. Stop dumping on this man, who is just trying to make a living. The literal dumping of phony dictator ashes on Brian at last night's red carpet by some idiot who shall remain nameless is unacceptable. Seacrest, as usual, kept his cool. Chris Rock or Rosie O'Donnell would have screamed epithets, lost all control. This man, and he has handled the challenge of having no discernible talent in a manly way, deserves more respect.
God bless Dick Clark, who was smooth as Formica no matter what catastrophe occurred while on the air live. That is a lost art, and Brian is the notable exception. I hope he can put this in perspective, weigh the humiliation against the sixteen jobs he now holds and the 38 shows he produces.
Billy Crystal, I love the guy, but his forehead has become a WMD. And dying the hair just doesn't work after a certain age unless you're Cruise. His opening basically is where he shoots his load. At least he had a load. James Franco had to be tasered last year to keep him relatively alert. Why don't they have a montage of actors behaving inappropriately with various animals, like Eastwood did with that Orangutang? And where was Nicholson? Why did Nolte look older than Max Von Sydow? When is Bruce Willis going to get invited to this thing? His films have grossed ten times more than Streep's. Both are from Jersey. Is there some kind of anti-Jersey quota going on? If Michelle Williams acted any more fragile on the red carpet she'd crumple to fragments. Rooney Mara is great in the movie, but she's about 2500 words short of a vocabulary when answering questions.
Leave Seacrest alone, I mean it. What? His name is Ryan? Never mind.

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