Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Two Timer

I caught my writing partner writing with someone else. Let me stabilize my breathing. Carol and I had been faithful for over two years, sitting opposite each other at Leo's coffee shop each Monday night. There was little actual conversation, no critiquing, occasional eye contact. We just sat there and clicked away on our projects, mine a novel, hers a memoir.
I sensed we had a solid writing relationship. There was no hint of problems.
It was a rainy night in January. I had come from a Protect the Turtles meeting of local environmentalists. It was cantankerous to say the least. Marcia was adamant that kids should not have pet turtles because invariably they forgot to feed them, causing early death. Several parents got upset; shouting ensued and almost led to fisticuffs. We environmentalists are a righteous bunch.
So I was tired when I decided to stop in an unfamiliar coffee shop on the way home. It had a Grand Opening sign out front. Good. I'm also a big supporter of small businesses.
As soon as I walked in the door I saw her, Carol, sitting at a rear table, looking down, typing away. Opposite her was another woman whose face I couldn't see. She too was clicking away. I gasped. It was obvious what was happening. Shock is understatement. The hurt didn't hit me until I was home, alone with my laptop. I called her names, which I won't repeat. I threw things.
Tonight we are meeting for the first time since I discovered her duplicity. I haven't figured how to approach this. I don't want us to argue in public. She may get up and storm out, denying everything. She might say it was her cousin from out of town. She might even suggest a three-way, something I'd fantasized about for too long. Whatever happens, I hold the moral high ground here, right? Strangely, seeing Carol writing with someone else has made her more...exciting. I may just fling caution to the wind, order a caffeinated drink tonight and let events take their course.

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