Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Be Sensible

How often have you heard the advice, be sensible? Usually it's from people who pretend to have your best interests at heart. But what really is the agenda here?
I think it's to hold someone down, prevent them from taking that prodigious leap into the unknown in search of new experience, as well as breaking through self imposed or societal restrictions. Like when I decided to shave between my eyebrows and was pummeled with unsolicited opinions. The speaker usually ended with those two manipulative words, 'be sensible', Joe. Adding my name only meant they were being sneakier in their quest to control my ambitions.
It is never to late to readjust your face in big and small ways. One can only imagine how many insiders pleaded with Lindsey Lohan not to pump her lips and cheeks full of God knows what. She went right ahead and took that leap of adventure. One hopes she does other things to her body to achieve that break through to complete independence we all seek.
If colonists had lectured Ben Franklin to be sensible with the whole kite thing, where would we be? Our founding fathers had to move past looney to forward looking, and plunging fearlessly ahead is the fastest method of accomplishing that. Every July 4 there is a hotdog eating contest in Coney Island. Entire reputations are set in stone during these events. Digging deep, ignoring colorless normalcy, these brave explorers stuff their mouths with God knows what in the quest for nonsense. Nonsense has just as much validity as sense. Maybe more if you follow our political process.

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