Thursday, March 29, 2012


One of my one act plays was accepted into a Ca. festival in June. It's one of six and they are paying me $$$!!
If the judges like it best I get more $$$!! And if it is deemed an audience favorite I get still more $$$!!
Maybe I'll make enough to advertize for a trophy wife.
Something like this keeps you writing. You just never know who could be in that audience. Mike Nichols? Sure, he's directing Salesman here, but who's to say? Michael Bay? He could turn it into a two hour series of chases and explosions, even though it's a drawing room piece. Penny Marshall could develop it into a series.
I could get nominated for Best Original Whatever and be invited to awards shows and be greeted on the red carpet by Ross Mathews.
I need a better haircut, a new wardrobe, new shoes, teeth whitening, a bigger car, more muscles, a better tan. Mostly I'll need a date. Is Carrie Fisher still in treatment? What about Joan Rivers or Kathy Bates? Wait, how about a young one like Emma Stone?
Lifts, I need lifts in my shoes. Damn, being a writer is full of pressure. Do they have waffle fries out there?

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