Friday, March 30, 2012

Pink Slime

Let me state this up front. I want as much pink slime filler in my meat as they can fit. As far as I'm concerned, there is no controversy here. Pink slime is getting a bad rap. Open a can of tuna. Examine said tuna. How many times have you come across a dark chunk and wondered what it was? Maybe a disgruntled worker tossed in a bit of tar or worse.
Think about sausage. Get out the microscope and check out what is in sausage. Tell me God isn't embarrassed by this food staple. Rice and beans. Do you seriously think every one of those little nuggets is actually a bean? Get your head out of the sand.
Think about what could be hidden inside an artichoke. Even experts can't truly determine if a mushroom is poisonous. Bacon bits? Pebbles painted red. Liver-- visualize a slab of liver and conjure up its dry, flat taste. You could be ingesting cardboard and not know it. Look at the fat on pork chops. People cook with lard. I can barely tolerate canola oil and you have folks shoveling lard down their maw.
We're are not even considering foreign foods like tacos. What are they injecting them with? Is dog food involved?
Leave pink slime alone. Hypocrites. One more thing--every single meatball involves trust between its creator and the person dining. Vet your chef, my friends, get a back round check.

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