Sunday, March 11, 2012

Big Bags

I carry all my important ideas in big bags. At a party, surrounded by intellectuals, I'll reach into my bag and pull put out a concept like do we really have free will? On dates with vibrant women, once the typical introductory remarks are over, I'll open my other bag of funny stories and grab one. Periodically I'll add ideas, like my theory as to why fingernails grow faster than toenails.
There is nothing more masculine than a man who can negotiate small spaces with big bags.
Women carrying big bags engender admiration unless they waddle into other people. Women carry their hopes and dreams in these bags, while men usually keep theirs in a dresser drawer. I think women need to keep their feelings close so they don't lose focus. A man's feelings are so buried that's not even an issue.
Easter means pedestrians will clog sidewalks, most carrying big bags full of forgiveness or possibly retribution. Of course there are the shallow ones carrying designer bags stuffed with expensive chocolate. Talk about a misuse of the Big Bag concept.
Right now I've run out of angles on this subject, so I'll just reach in and grab an idea. Why do some toilet tanks take so long to fill up? Ponder that.

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